Monday, June 28, 2010

我的媽媽 My Mother

媽媽很美,年輕時美,老了也美 。
在每個孩子心目中, 媽媽永遠是美麗, 漂亮的 。
小時候時常當媽媽是醫生, 因為沒有病是她醫不好的。
我們時常說: " 天塌下來當被蓋 ", 媽媽就是這種人, 天真, 可愛。
記得十多年前, 兒子剛滿月, 我丈夫帶了我們一家去 Fraser's Hill 玩, 媽剛好和我們一起, 在那兒一整天 我們也累了, 也該是時候回家了 。
因為路不熟, 下山時不肯定該向那一邊走, 媽就在那個時候說:: 別擔心 應該向這裡吧, 指呀指著, 媽指得真有趣的, 走了一段路,突然發覺我們竟然到了勞勿(Raub)! 我的天啊!! 我們要回吉隆坡, 怎麼會來到勞勿...... 媽又說: 沒關係啦! 大姐在這, 我們去找她吧! 你說好氣還是好笑呢? 我把事情經過告訴大姐, 她也大笑一塲, 這就是我可愛的媽媽。

人生難免會有障礙, 無所遇料的事情, 如果能以積極的心態來面對,,,,, 那生活上可少了煩惱。

世上只有媽媽好, 有媽的孩子像個寶
世上有我媽更好, 做我媽的子笑個飽, 真好!

My mum is beautiful, both during her youthful and even elderly days
In every child’s heart, his or her mother is forever beautiful, charming.
When I was young and naive, I always regarded my mum as a doctor, because to me there is no sickness that she cannot treat. We the Chinese used to say: “If the sky were to fall, regard it as blanket to cover yourselves”, this depicts my dear mother, childlike, cute, always optimistic.
I remembered it was a long time ago, when my son had just turned one month old; my husband brought the whole family to Fraser’s Hill for a day trip. My mum was with us. After spending one full day there, it was time to return home, as we were all tired.
When going down the hill, we were unsure which direction to go because we were unfamiliar with the way. At this time, my mum said: “Don’t worry, it should be this way.” And she proceeded to lead us. After driving a distance, we have reached Raub to our surprise! Oh my goodness!! We were supposed to go back to Kuala Lumpur, how did we end up in Raub ? My mum shrugged it off and said: “It’s no big deal! Your elder sister is here, let’s go and find her!” Oh mum, do you think I should be angry or laugh about it? When I was with my sister, I told her what had happened, she also gave a good laugh. Well, this is my adorable mother.

Obstacles and unexpected events are inevitable in life, if we can face the challenges with a positive attitude, then the frustrations in life will be lessen.

Mothers are dear in this world; a child who has a mother is like priceless treasures.
But to have my mum is even better, being my mum’s child is great! For you can always have joy and laugh till you drop!

1 comment:

  1. 感谢上帝
