Wednesday, December 29, 2010



除了工作也要休息....以弗所書 4:28,傳道書 3:13...所以我們得在工作和家庭之間保持平衡,千萬別讓工作占滿了你的生活,一掌盛滿息, 勝過雙手抓滿辛勞捕風的事。傳道書4:6

很多人在生活人生規划裡完全沒有考慮到上帝的觀點,到最後辛苦累積的財富一點好處都沒有, 真的很可悲。傳道書2:17-21; 馬太福音16:26. 約翰福音6:27

在現實社會裡很多人都在追求物質上的亨受, 短暫的快樂, 忘了真正簡樸的生活屬靈的事因為這才是真正的生命。提摩太前書6:17-19 ; 以賽亞書65;21-23。

自古以來, 許多人都被這問題困擾: 如果上帝愛我們, 為什麼世上會充滿苦難?
這些問題我有答案了。God is there for you, it is up to you to believe.....約翰8:32

A Note I Received......

The world is so much bigger than us. Universe wider than the world. And God's 'pisai' is a gazillion times bigger ( if He has any that is...)
What I am trying to say is what we go through in the world, family, work, church, etc, for an average of 70-90 years ( which seems so long to us) is nothing compared to our true purpose, which is for eternity. Many people often forget that, many or most people don't even know that. Sometimes we are faced with something we cannot change. That causes frustration, hurt and sadness, but do remember that everything happens for a reason, whether for 50 years it stays that way that seems negative, it's there and that way for a reason, not that we are "unlucky' to have it that way. I once told someone, " God changes us, NOT our circumstances". He knows our circumstances are there and with a blink of an eye He could make everything 100% perfect. But He won't because we have to learn, grow, understand as children of God. I don't know whether you understand what I mean. Like Moses, God would have vaporized the evil Pharoah and place a crown on Moses and everybody would be instantly happy, all settled within a second...But He didn't of course....
Each and everyone of us going through a different phase in life.....

Here is a nice dialogue, A teacher teaching a class of students:

Teacher : Did God created everything? ( skeptical science teacher who is anti God)
Students : Yes.
Teacher : If God created everything, He must have also created evil, Therefore ,God is evil.
One student : Excuse me, does cold exist?
Teacher : What kind of question is this? Of course it exists! Have you never felt cold?
Same student : In fact sir, cold does not exists, According to the law of physics, what we consider cold, is in the reality of the presence of heat. Teacher, does darkness exists?
Teacher : Of course it does!
Student : Darkness does not exists either.Darkness in reality is the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness.
Evil does not exists, but like darkness and the cold, God did not create evil.
Evil is the result of what happens, when men is absent of God's love.

Somethings we cannot change,we cannot see but we need God to fill that missing part in us.
Trust in Him and he will not prevail.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Love Is Unconditional

For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through Him.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, It does not boast,it is not proud. It is not rude,It is not self seeking,it is not easily angered,It keeps no record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.It always protects,always trusts,always hopes,always perseveres. ( 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7)

If I have a faith that can move mountains, but have no love,I am nothing.

I have witnessed how great the parents love towards their child. The unconditional love that shows me the reflection of the love of my God the Father who love me dearly. My Saviour Jesus Christ who sacrificed Himself for me .

Christmas is about love, Christmas is about forgiving. Christmas is about putting others before us. May God mould us to be more and more like Him, May he grant us the heart to forgive and the strength to go through trials and difficulties in life. For we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us .

You have given your best to love....unconditionally.....

Saturday, October 9, 2010


哈! 那比做仙的感受還要妙!
信不信? 三妹總共買了九件旗袍!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fruit Of Your Choice

Someone told me
fruits are good before meals...


Locals :
Pineapple, Guava, Mangosteen
Cempedak, Nangka, Langsat
Dan macam macam lagi

Which fruit do you like?

Apples, Oranges, Avocado
Cherries, Pears, Pomegranate
Peaches, Kiwis,
Grapes , Berries and many more

What's your preference?

Best selection:
Fruit of the Spirit ......
Self control

For the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth

I am the vine; you are the branches. if a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. ( John 15:5)

I remember many years back, when I first read John 15:5 , I pictured myself an apple tree with apples all over and I told the Lord I will bear much fruits....
Later I realized the fruit that the Lord is talking about is supposed to be something growing within me.
The fruit of the Spirit is the character of Christ in us produced within us with the help of the Holy Spirit.
This is harder than growing apple trees though...
Well, Jesus says: apart from me you can do nothing.

With Christ I can do all things .

Sunday, August 1, 2010


上帝真好, 讓我認識了
一個愛神的女孩 、妳






Friday, July 23, 2010

錯, 能改嗎?

今天跟小弟談了一 陣子,
他說: 有些錯誤能改能回頭是岸,

你同意嗎? 我不
所謂人非聖賢, 誰能無過?

Monday, July 5, 2010



或飽足, 或飢餓
或有餘, 或缺乏
隨事隨在, 我都得了秘訣。( 腓立比 書 4:12)

I know what it is to be in need
and I know what it is to have plenty
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation
whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want ( Philippians 4:12)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

女兒與貓 My Daughter And Her Cat- Hercules

女兒叫小小貓 Baby
小小貓出世後的不久, 女兒要我她禱告
幾天後, 小小貓大便啦! 看到小小貓大便傻女兒比中六合彩還要高興
向來最喜歡睡覺的女兒竟然能犧牲睡眠來細心的照顧 一隻小小貓
女兒說: 媽, 我現在才真正的體會到你扶養女兒的苦心, 原來照顧女兒並不簡單!
貓呀貓, 謝謝你, 因為你,我女兒想到她的媽媽
女兒呀女兒, 謝謝妳...... 因為妳是我女兒, 我是妳媽
真有趣 ........

My daughter bought a Persian cat

Not long thereafter….

The cat gave birth to a kitten

My daughter named the kitten Baby

Wouldn’t that make me the grandma?

A little while after the kitten was born, my daughter wanted me to pray for her

At that time, I thought something had happened to my daughter, turns out it was the kitten is unable to poop. My daughter was worried sick, looking at the kitten everyday, hoping it would poop

A few days later, the kitten finally pooped! Seeing the kitten poop made my silly daughter jump for joy!

Every night, my daughter would wake up and feed the kitten.

Never in my wildest imagination that this daughter of mine, who loves to sleep , would surprisingly even sacrifice her sleep to carefully tend to her tiny little kitten

One fine day,

I received a text message from my daughter

She said: Mom, only now I understand the hard work and sacrifices that you have put in to raise me up, I realize taking care of me was not easy at all!

Looking at my daughter maturing, my heart felt so touched........

Kitty oh Kitty, thank you, because of you, my daughter thought of her mother

And my dear daughter, thank you….. because you are just you , my daughter, and I am your mum.

My daughter and the kitten

The kitten and my daughter

How interesting…….

The kitten has become a young cat and my daughter has grown along with the kitten as well!

Monday, June 28, 2010

我的媽媽 My Mother

媽媽很美,年輕時美,老了也美 。
在每個孩子心目中, 媽媽永遠是美麗, 漂亮的 。
小時候時常當媽媽是醫生, 因為沒有病是她醫不好的。
我們時常說: " 天塌下來當被蓋 ", 媽媽就是這種人, 天真, 可愛。
記得十多年前, 兒子剛滿月, 我丈夫帶了我們一家去 Fraser's Hill 玩, 媽剛好和我們一起, 在那兒一整天 我們也累了, 也該是時候回家了 。
因為路不熟, 下山時不肯定該向那一邊走, 媽就在那個時候說:: 別擔心 應該向這裡吧, 指呀指著, 媽指得真有趣的, 走了一段路,突然發覺我們竟然到了勞勿(Raub)! 我的天啊!! 我們要回吉隆坡, 怎麼會來到勞勿...... 媽又說: 沒關係啦! 大姐在這, 我們去找她吧! 你說好氣還是好笑呢? 我把事情經過告訴大姐, 她也大笑一塲, 這就是我可愛的媽媽。

人生難免會有障礙, 無所遇料的事情, 如果能以積極的心態來面對,,,,, 那生活上可少了煩惱。

世上只有媽媽好, 有媽的孩子像個寶
世上有我媽更好, 做我媽的子笑個飽, 真好!

My mum is beautiful, both during her youthful and even elderly days
In every child’s heart, his or her mother is forever beautiful, charming.
When I was young and naive, I always regarded my mum as a doctor, because to me there is no sickness that she cannot treat. We the Chinese used to say: “If the sky were to fall, regard it as blanket to cover yourselves”, this depicts my dear mother, childlike, cute, always optimistic.
I remembered it was a long time ago, when my son had just turned one month old; my husband brought the whole family to Fraser’s Hill for a day trip. My mum was with us. After spending one full day there, it was time to return home, as we were all tired.
When going down the hill, we were unsure which direction to go because we were unfamiliar with the way. At this time, my mum said: “Don’t worry, it should be this way.” And she proceeded to lead us. After driving a distance, we have reached Raub to our surprise! Oh my goodness!! We were supposed to go back to Kuala Lumpur, how did we end up in Raub ? My mum shrugged it off and said: “It’s no big deal! Your elder sister is here, let’s go and find her!” Oh mum, do you think I should be angry or laugh about it? When I was with my sister, I told her what had happened, she also gave a good laugh. Well, this is my adorable mother.

Obstacles and unexpected events are inevitable in life, if we can face the challenges with a positive attitude, then the frustrations in life will be lessen.

Mothers are dear in this world; a child who has a mother is like priceless treasures.
But to have my mum is even better, being my mum’s child is great! For you can always have joy and laugh till you drop!

父親節 Father's Day

每年父親節只不過是一個大家都會為自己的爸爸而慶祝的曰子 。
有的給紅包,有的送大禮,各有各的孝順 。
今年六月廿十號是父親節 ,在父親節的前幾天, 三妹告訴我她帶了爸爸去看醫生, 發現爸爸的小腸有 生瘤,醫生說情況不太好,要等檢驗報告才能確定 。當時我 聽了心裡好擔心, 只能為爸禱告,千萬別讓爸有事,爸快要七十歲啦, 我告訴自己這父親節一定要好好慶祝 。
六月十九號,我在機場收到三妹的短信 ,醫生說爸沒事,我好高興好高興,叫了我喜歡吃的Udon 麵,一大碗把它吃完!
父親節那天,我和姐弟妹們帶了爸媽去Legend Hotel 吃自助餐,用餐完畢,酒店負責人員告訴我們, 為了慶祝父親節, 酒店會給在塲的父親 們來個有獎踢球比賽,當時大約五十位男士參加,我可愛的爸爸 出呼意料的進入了五強, 最後還成為當天的英雄,年齡最大的我爸竟然得了冠軍! 我們又笑又叫又跳的,難以形容那一種感受, 很久沒看到爸爸那麼高興。
爸, 祝您每一年父親節都那樣高興, 永遠健康, 快樂.......

兒女們, 要好好的孝敬父母。

Since young till now…

Every year’s fathers’ day is just only a day where we can celebrate for our fathers. Some will give red packets while others offer big gifts, each showing own filial.

This year’s father’s day fall upon the 20th of June. Just a few days before father’s day, my sister told me that growth was discovered in my father’s small intestine when she brought him to see the doctor. The doctor commented that the situation didn’t look too good. However, it would only be certain upon the release of the medical report. I was worried after hearing this, and the only thing I could do is to pray for my father so that nothing would happen to him. My father is turning 70 this October and I told myself we ought to have a big celebration for him in this coming Fathers’ day.

June the 19th, I received a message from my sister in which the doctor stated that my father was alright. I was overjoyed! To celebrate, I ordered a large bowl of my favorite Udon and gobbled it all down!
On fathers’ day, my siblings and I brought our parents to the Legend Hotel for a buffet. After the meal, the hotel staff told us that there was a competition organized for fathers, which offered prizes for the winners. About 50 gentlemen participated and surprisingly, my father emerged as one of the top 5. At the end of the competition, my father who was the oldest among the rest of the fathers was crowned the champion, the hero of the day! Words could not express how happy we felt, we couldn’t help but laugh and shout and jump. It has been awhile since I saw my father this happy.
God is so so good……

Dad, may you be happy every year, and stay forever healthy and joyous all the time.